Personal Information:
1. Ryan Ferra, Cleveland, Ohio,
2. Ryan
4. I play baseball and basketball. I went to all-guys high school.
Learning Style and More:
5. Respect, trust, and confidence must be present for me to take intellectual and creative risks in class.
Technology Section:
6. I believe the most important technological invention was the
7. I believe these technologies to be essential in my life:
a. Computer
b. Cell Phone
8. Experience with:
a. Computers: I would say that my computer knowledge is average. I don't know everything about them, but I can figure a lot of things out even if I don't have prior experience.
b. Digital Media: I would say that my digital media experience is average also. I know a fair amount about different electronics such as computers, cell phones, video games, televisions, etc. I would say that I am the most proficient with cell phones.
c: Social Media: I would say that my social media experience is average. I don't know much about social media, besides Facebook.
d. My Technical Proficiency: 6
About Dr. Shutkin:
9. a. Where are you originally from?
b. What is your favorite food?
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